Sunday, June 28, 2015

Finally, a cat picture..


I said there might be the occasional cat picture, well today I deliver on that friends.  How's your Sunday going?  Well, I hope.

Since there will be a cat picture today, let's talk about cats.  I love them.  Not in a crazy lady breaking down on the Internet kind of love, but in a, part of me wants to pull over, get out of my car, and cuddle that cute cat that I just drove by in that yard kind of love.

I've had my cat for 11-12 years now, and as cats go, he's one of the best.  He's calm, he's the right amount of affectionate, and he has a mustache.  He does have a lot of fur though.  A lot.  He is terrified of plastic bags though.  He had a very traumatizing experience with one as a much younger cat.  Imagine if you will, a curious cat investigating this odd bag like thing after his people have just come home.  Everything's fine, it makes a kinda nice sound when you step on it, and boom!!  Suddenly, it's got you around the neck.  You take off running but it's too strong and you can't get it to let go.

What that might have looked like from a human's perspective is a cat getting his head stuck in the handle portion of your average plastic grocery bag and then freaking out on an epic scale.  Have you every tried to catch a cat running at near full speed thru your house?  Let's just say it's a challenge.  I finally managed to catch him and free him from his evil oppressor, but just the sound of plastic bags to this day makes him jumpy.

He doesn't like to be picked up and held, but if you sit down and have an inviting looking lap, he'll curl up and purr for hours if you let him.

All of this to say, that while not quite the same as a good friend, a good pet is a close second.  And mine is one of the best.


1 comment:

  1. You are funny, I'll give you that! I enjoyed reading this post. The humor just poured out of it like your love for wanting to stop and pet the cute cat in the yard. I have had 2 cats before, it was an interesting time to say the least. I have a dog now, her name is Mollie and I enjoy her company like I enjoy the company of my best friend, or at least sorta.
