Sunday, June 14, 2015

Personality, writing, and maybe a cat picture.

    Hi, I'm Dave, welcome to my blog.  I'm glad you're here, even if it is just part of an assignment.  This blog is more of a journal as part of an English class I'm taking, I certainly don't think of myself as a blogger, but I'll do my best to keep it interesting, or at least provide pictures of my cat being adorable.  After all, that's what the Internet is for, right?

So, one of the things I'm to do this week is to use the results of a Jung Typology test, and look at how that compares/contrasts with my perceptions of myself as a student and a writer.  The results?  I am an ESTP.  Which is Extrovert, Sensing, Thinking, Perceiving, heavy on the Thinking.

My first impression upon reading up on the common ESTP type, dead on.   Let's see.

Likes writing shorter pieces?  Check.

Struggles with lengthy independent writing?  Check.

May put off getting started?  (Am I working on this the morning of the day this is due?)  Check.

Not to be overlooked, is how accurate this describes my attitudes towards learning as a student.  If the information presented is clearly practical or important for the course, or life in general.  No problem, I'll absorb it, remember it, share it with friends whether they are interested in my new found knowledge or not.  Is it just filler, or boring, or just not relevant to why I'm in that class?  I check out.

Now, while it's true that I procrastinate, especially on things like homework assignments.  I have found that this isn't necessarily a bad thing.  To be sure, there is the stress of having things happen last minute that can complicate finishing an assignment, which wouldn't be an issue if someone (me) had just started working on it a few days ago.  I have managed to harness my procrastination to a degree though.  The lack of time to finish a given assignment from not starting earlier, provides a little added focus that helps to tune out the distractions that might otherwise pull me from working on it in the first place.

So the question is, "Will this new insight help me be a better student or writer?".  For now, I don't know.  It can't hurt, that's for sure.


  1. Hi David! I really enjoyed reading your blog. You're funny and I chuckled all the way through which is not exactly what I expected from a homework blog. I am an ISTP, so I too can relate to procrastination. One thing I do wish I had is the ability to absorb and remember information. I look forward to reading more of you blog, it was a nice reminder that we don't have to be so serious to get the assignment done right.
    Lynn Navrkal

  2. David,
    As I read though many of these blogs, even though many are interesting, I have seemed to gravitate toward those that have this little bits of humor thrown in. I don't like thinking that I'm a procrastinator, and for the most part I'm not, except when it comes to homework. My life is really busy right now with work and the hours I work and trying to balance time for my fiance and my daughter and the rest of my family. I can always find something that I want to do or needs to be done. Then, like you, I find myself pushing the limits to get my assignments in on time. This first online experience is really giving me an eye opening experience. But I have to agree, when I set down to do it, I am focused and helps me to tune out the distractions otherwise. It is good insight for us to know, though. And no, it can't hurt. We shall see. Nice post.

    Lucas Newby.
