Saturday, June 27, 2015

I don't have a title for this entry...


Hey Friends and fellow summer Students,

How are you?  I hope you're good.  Enjoying your Saturday afternoon I hope.  Me I'm good, just typing away as I wait to go to work tonight.  I don't really have any special thoughts for this entry, so just chalk this one up to, it's assigned and I have to do it.

You know what sounds like a ton of fun, slip 'n' slides.  I don't mean the kind you would go and buy at Walmart or your closest toy store, but a full blown, this might be a bad idea, who put this kids toy on steroids, adult slip 'n' slide.  If you peruse the internet you'll see what I mean.  If you don't know, then imagine a several feet wide piece of heavy duty plastic, laid down over at least a thin layer of foam padding, or ground that's free of any rocks poking up into the plastic.  This is laid down on an incline of some sort, the steeper the better, some might say, and culminating in a brief ramp at the very end with which to launch you into the air, and land in a large body of water or an adequately sized pool at the very least.

Doesn't that take you back to when you were a kid?   I know it does for me.  As I was describing this I was reminded of one of things I've always wanted to do in a pool.  Have a playground quality swing set right at the edge of a large pool.  It would be the Reese's peanut butter cup of summer fun.  Just imagine working the swing up to point where you are cresting at about as high as you can get it.  You know the point.  That point when as a kid you begin to wonder if it would wrap all the way around if you could make the swing go higher and higher.  It's at that point, that it would be perfect to swinging out over a pool, and just be able to bail out of the swing for an epic splash.  As a kid, I could have spent all day doing something like that.  Just doing it over and over until you get to point where you are so tired, but you don't know that you're tired until you sit down and stop for just a moment, and then wake up hours later because your body insisted it was time to stop.

     I haven't had a chance to do either of these things yet in my life.  God willing I'll make this happen one day.  It certainly sounds better than going to work.


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