Sunday, July 19, 2015

I have this rock...


Hi Friends,

I have this rock on a shelf in my room.  At the moment, it's not quite within reaching distance.  I would have to change positions and move a little in that direction.  There is nothing overtly special about this rock.  It's a darker, steel grey kind of color.  It's about the size of an average lime.  If I ever had to, it has a good shape and weight to be thrown.

Now, why would I have what appears to be a plain rock on my shelf?  Easy, I liked it when I saw it.  Okay, there's a little more to it than that.  The rock is from Oregon.  Well, that's were I picked it up anyway.  Who can say how long it had been in that particular stream, much less that spot in the stream where I found it.  It was taken at the end of one of the best hikes I've ever taken.

I was in Oregon for my sisters wedding.  If you haven't been, Oregon may be one of the most gorgeous places in the whole country.  One of the days just after the wedding a group of us made a trek to a nearby waterfall.  This was no simple get out of the car and walk upstream till you find where the waterfall is either.  This particular path is littered with log jams.  Logs as big around as telephone poles and larger.  Jammed together like some sort of bizarre pile of natures pick up sticks.  To sum up, it was a near perfect experience.  We had to scramble and climb our way over the log jams.  The day was pretty hot for Oregon which made the stream that was already cold to begin with refreshing instead of brutally freezing.  And when we finally got to where the waterfall was, the view was breathtaking as the sunlight filtered down thru trees at the top of the narrow gorge we were at the bottom of.  

After a brief swim at the waterfall we worked our way back the way we came.  There is still a little kid in me that loves to climb and scramble over things.  He thought this day was perfect.  He thinks the rock is pretty cool too, for a rock.



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