Tuesday, July 14, 2015

Post Vacation...


Hello Friends,

Today has been one of the darker days a man can experience in this lifetime-the first day back from vacation.  (Dun dun dun)

Okay, it's not really that bad, not for me anyway.  I was able to plan an extra day off from work for just this instance.  My wife was not so lucky.  On top of having to go back to work, she's working extra long days this week to avoid using extra vacation time.

My "extra day off" wasn't quite the day of relaxing and Netflix one would hope for.  Instead it was a day full of errand running and addressing problems I didn't even know that I had.  Already on the agenda, getting immunizations done for the school program I start in a few weeks.  The results, mostly successful, two out of three immunizations done, and one scheduled for next week.  What wasn't on the agenda?  Flat tires.  Two of them.  So, added to the days list of things to do, getting flats fixed.  Thank God for road hazard protection.  One tire fixed.  One tire replaced.  And less than the cost of a new tire, thankfully.  Between you, and you, and you, and you, and me (I am assuming I have at least four readers), I'm done replacing tires for the foreseeable future.

As if flat tires were not a big enough challenge, the a/c in my truck decided it would no longer cool as effectively as pre-vacation.  Thankfully, a simple fix of adding some more refrigerant back to the a/c system.  Although now I'm fairly certain I have a slow leak somewhere, here's hoping I can get it thru the summer.

It's been a successful day though.  I was fortunate for sure, to already have the time set aside for running errands and getting things settled down before it's back to work as usual.  I'll have some more things to share from this day so stay tuned.



1 comment:

  1. I loath coming home from vacation. My biggest thing is coming home to a clean house, which never happens because its always a mad house trying to get all of us out the door. My a/c recently decided to try to die as well. They did the dye thing ( I have no idea what I am talking about) to determine if there is a leak, so now it is just wait and see if it stops working again. Fun.
