Sunday, July 19, 2015

The Stage...


Only a few more left to go Friends,

I love acting.  It's one of the biggest passions in my life.  It's also perhaps, the biggest thing that makes it hard to go back to school.  Even more so once I start going to school full time this coming fall semester.  Oddly enough there was a time in my life when I didn't realize this.  In large part because I was dumb with my money as a young adult, and there isn't a whole lot of time for artistic pursuits when you're working multiple jobs to get out of the stupid hole you've dug for yourself.

There is something special and wonderful and amazing about being on a stage.  Regardless of how large the role is.  I've had every size role too.  I've been the hero, the villain, the friend.  I've been an abusive jerk of a boyfriend with no lines.  I wouldn't trade those moments for anything.

The thing I find the most interesting is how many people don't know they could act.  Acting probably falls into some sort of sub category with public speaking; being that most people find the idea terrifying.  I find it one of the easiest places to be.  If you're on stage, you know what you're supposed to say, where you're supposed to move to, and when you have to leave.  And you've done it over and over and over again.  In some ways it can be easier than having a real conversation.  What most people don't realize is acting is about ninety percent just having a regular conversation, which we all do almost everyday.  All the big hilarious, dramatic, emotional moments are a small portion of what go into acting, and most anyone could be coached or directed well enough to be able to do it.  The big thing it comes down to is confidence.  Do you have the belief in yourself that you could get in front of those people or in front of a camera and recite a handful of lines, like you are having a conversation?  Once you have that belief in yourself, the rest is pretty easy.



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