Thursday, July 16, 2015

Time trial...


I know, it's a lot to take in.

This one is easy Friends, I thought it was time for another foray into freewriting.

So here we go.

Pulling from my list of belief statements that were in an earlier blog post, I'll go with the statement that I believe I have very high standards from myself.  And it applies everywhere in my life probably.  These aren't really things that I share with anyone either.  For example, by my standards, I'm overweight right now.  Not too bad, about 15 pounds.  But the thing is I know better.  Even as I shove a doughnut or a fast food breakfast sandwich in my face.  I've got other areas too.  How I treat people.  Most of the time I do a pretty good job of treating everyone the same.   Mostly.  But cut me off in traffic or drive like a complete moron.  Well, let's just say I wouldn't say any or at least most of those things to your face.  If I'm supposed to love people regardless of who they are, doesn't that apply to the idiot driving ten miles an hour under the speed limit?  Yes it does.  But I'm not alone.  And neither are you.  I think far too often when I, or we, beat ourselves up about the things we fail at when it comes to the standards we set, is that everyone does it to some extent.  I can't cite a study or research.  It's just something you'll have to examine for yourself.  You probably know someone well enough to look at the things that bother them and figure out what they think they should be doing a better job of.  I hope this isn't too incoherent.  But I'm trying not to take too much time away from writing throughout this whole exercise.  I can say for certain though, that a lot of the things that frustrate me are the goals I set for myself that I fail to meet.

For instance, I expect myself on a normal day to get a certain amount of work done.  Sometimes even more than normal.  I'll mentally go thru a checklist of what I"m going to do for the day, usually being very ambitious about just how much I'm going to accomplish.

And that's time, plus just a little bit extra so I didn't stop mid thought.  Not too shabby.  Might even be something in here worth expounding on.



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