Sunday, July 19, 2015

My cat is a dork...


Last one before I catch some sleep Friends,

Here we go.

First off, I love my cat.  He's adorable and cuddly and not a jerk like some cats can be.  He does like to cuddle on his own terms though.  Unlike some cats, he's not a big fan of being held.  Average hold time is ten seconds.  Now, an open and available lap, that's a different story.  He will hop up in your lap and stay there for what seems like hours if you let him.

Now, I know all of that is fairly normal for a cat.  Here is where he starts to turn into a dork.

He's terrified of your average plastic grocery bag.  This is how it started.  He was playing with one of these bags while I was putting some groceries away after coming back from the store.  This was of course cute and adorable.  Until he got his head caught in the handle of a bag.  Now he has a plastic bag for a cloak, and it's stuck around his neck.  It was about this time that he also set new records for speed and distance run inside the house.  To this day, even the rustling of a plastic bag will make him stop for a moment in his tracks.

Item number two.  He is terrified of a kitten half his size that we got about six months ago.  We have some theories as to why our two cats don't get along but nothing concrete.  What we do know is, they don't like each other, and my cat runs from the new kitten; like she's made out of plastic bags.

Number three.  I become a world champion pet abuser when it's time to give him his flea medicine.  It's the liquid kind that goes on his back in that shoulder blades area.  I can get the medicine applied just fine, but once it's on he avoids me like I'm someone that's beat him all his life.  Maybe he's just hoping to get role in a Sarah McLachlan video about rescue animals.  Never mind that he's never had to live outdoors or even in a none climate controlled environment.  Dork.



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