Thursday, July 2, 2015



It seems to me like the one way to make sure you are busier than humanly possible is to try and go on vacation.  Especially if you have anything else going on at the time.  Take today for example.  Went to work, came home, finished up a couple of assignments and once I hit post on this bad boy.  I can finally begin packing. You know, it must just be the finite deadline that isn't there all that often in my daily/weekly routine.  If something doesn't get done, no big deal, we can just do that tomorrow.  Ah, the sweet, sweet sound of the procrastinators creed.  Vacation time though, there is no tomorrow, well there is, but in this case tomorrow is filled with hitting the road, or making the airport on time.  Did I remember to pack fill-in-the-blank item that I use and need daily?  It's enough to make a person not want to go on vacation almost.  Almost.

You know what is worth it about vacation?  You break your routine.  You can remember that not everything is about did X get done today?  There is time to relax.  You get to forget that you would be in the middle of another pointless meeting, or doing the same tasks over and over and over again.  Instead you can sit by a pool, walk along a beach or trail, or any of a hundred other little things that you always seem too busy for at home.  And maybe, just maybe, you'll remember to bring home souvenirs this time.

1 comment:

  1. David,
    It is true, sometimes you just need to break your routine. Getting ready for vacation is a nightmare. I am usually excited to start getting ready for vacation but once I start, I begin to wonder why. I always feel like I need to clean the entire house before we leave so it's nice an clean when we get home. I am the queen of procrastination so I try to cram all of this in the day before we leave. There are times during this process that I don't even want to be around me. I get a little wound up before vacation but it is always worth it. So with that being said, I need to start getting ready for our camping trip. Maybe I will start a couple days early to avoid the hectic mess that always happens.
